Various Bellows Configurations

Precision Bellows

Fulton Bellows’ design engineers are able to produce a bellows solution for the most basic applications, to those that are extremely complicated and unique. We provide you these solutions supported by life test data and years of excellent field performance.

Various Bellows Assembly Configurations

Bellows Assemblies

We specialize in the design and production of precision hydroformed and mechanically formed metal bellows and bellow assembly products. All Fulton’s bellows and bellow assemblies are of the highest quality and durability.

Thermal Actuators

Thermal Actuators

Fulton specializes in designing engineered thermal solutions for all industries. Our thermal actuators are designed and constructed to be a compact, rugged and dependable power source and to perform without fail across limited applications.

120th logoFulton Bellows is celebrating our 120th year.

Click here to watch our anniversary video, as we reflect on 120 years of pioneering work.


Fulton’s engineers represent the greatest cumulative bellows experience and knowledge in the industry. They are eager for the chance to put all that know-how to work on your special problem…always working closely with you from the very inception of the idea through every stage of the design, testing, manufacturing and delivery. Since their experience has been concentrated in the bellows field, they know the advantages and limitations of Fulton’s formed bellows. They can be especially helpful in preparing precise specifications to support projects in the most efficient way.

Why not tap this reservoir of bellows knowledge? It’s an integral part of Fulton’s service…it’s yours for the asking.